On the Road to Recovery

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Two months since my latest bike accident that broke 6 ribs [4 in multiple places resulting in 11 fractures] and my collar bone. It has been a long couple months, especially the first month. I had to move, and had no clue where to go. Nevertheless, I had to sort, dispose and pack things back in Orange County; it was difficult with pain from fractured ribs, soar back, clavicle still in 2 pieces, plus shortness of breath caused by my punctured lungs resulting from my broken ribs. I did a little at a time and had reduced things, disposed of years accumulated junk, and all packed.

I still had nowhere to go and prepared to live on the streets if necessary, but received a call from a friend with a possible place to stay. We went and looked at the room in a lovely house. A few days later I decided to move in (October 20, three days before my move-out date). Now I’m living in Long Beach again (Los Angeles County).

On my fourth day here, my brother-in-law brought the trike from the accident. I was surprised it was in such great shape. I’ve been riding it since October 27; the first few weeks 3-5 mile rides and now 15-20 mile rides. It is awesome back in the saddle!

I’d like to ride my bike again. It averages speeds similar to my trike, but geared lower with superior aerodynamics so the energy required to pedal is less. However, the stabilizer wheels where defective and Bike USA did not send me proper replacement wheels as promised (even with a friendly reminder). Hundred mm standard hub wheels are too wide, and I can’t find 85mm hub wheels for the mounts. I’m going to attempt cold pressing them to fit a set of 16” wheels with 100mm hubs from the co-opp, but when I first tried, I didn’t have enough strength. Now that my collar bone has healed, I’ll try again… but want to give it more time to build strength.

I’m considering an electric trike. There are advantages to traditional human power bikes/trikes, but after years of huffing and puffing on hills and lower speeds than other light weight racing bikes beyond my budget, e-bikes are coming down in price and may give me a boost in performance. They are still expensive but maybe I can afford an entry level one and ride more comfortably… after all, California took my driver’s license due to my head injury caused by another driver, so a pedal cycle is now my primary transportation.